Autocad Contour Lisp

Autocad Contour Lisp

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Contour Elevations at Intervals with Labels elevates contour polylines and/or labels. AutoCAD Wiki AutoLISP code header.;;;;;; Copy this code to a file on your. On load (haws-cel:get-default-settings); «Visual LISP© Format Options» (72 2. Feb 20, 2017  Nope, that didnt work either. Hi, Does anyone know of any good lisp routines that will allow you to select a polyline which has a Z vales and have it place a text label of the elevation over the line with a background mask?

Lisp in autocad lt

Contour Elevations at Intervals with Labels elevates contour polylines and/or labels them. Features • Uses an exploded block for labeling so you can customize label as needed. • Uses fields for labeling if you choose. • Saves to (setcfg) to remember settings between sessions.

Saves to a single global variable during a session. • Lets you ignore Interval, Label Precision, Label Spacing, Temporary Color, LabelBlockName, and Elevation or change them on the fly. • Works with lightweight or old-style polylines. • Includes a option not to elevate contours, but just to label multiple contours (a selection set instead of one-by-one picking) that are already at the right elevations.